Chay-Keizer Model for Electrical Activity of Pancreatic Beta Cell

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This Demonstration implements the first model of the electrical activity of the pancreatic cell. Although it is a minimal model, it still is capable of reproducing the electric response of the cell at different glucose levels.

Contributed by: Gerardo J. Félix-Martínez (July 2015)
Open content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA



Atwater et al. [1] proposed, based on their experimental findings, that KCa channels play a major role in -cell function, being activated during the active phase as increases, until eventually the membrane repolarizes, giving place to the silent phase.

The model includes a channel activated by intracellular (KCa), a voltage-gated channel (Kv), a voltage-gated channel (Cav), and cytoplasmic changes of intracellular concentration (). Ionic channels are modeled following the Hodgkin–Huxley scheme. You can vary the channel conductances and glucose level. In addition, the effect of the / pump can be included as was done by the authors in [2].

This implementation was used to analyze the models and create the figures of the models discussed in a recent review [3].

The Demonstration is based on the XPP implementation of the model of Chay and Keizer by Arthur Sherman [4].


[1] I. Atwater, L. Rosario, and E. Rojas, "Properties of the Ca-activated K+ channel in pancreatic [beta]-cells," Cell Calcium, 4(5–6), 1983 pp. 451–461. doi:10.1016/0143-4160(83)90021-0.

[2] T. R. Chay and J. Keizer, "Minimal Model for Membrane Oscillations in the Pancreatic Beta-Cell," Biophysical Journal, 42(2), 1983 pp. 181–189. doi:10.1016%2 FS0006-3495(83)84384-7.

[3] G. J. Félix-Martínez and J. R. Godínez-Fernández, "Mathematical Models of Electrical Activity of the Pancreatic -cell: A Physiological Review," Islet, (6)3, 2014 . doi:10.4161/19382014.2014.949195.

[4] A. Sherman. "Gallery of Mathematical Models." (Jul 14, 2015)

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